Bouquet Subscriptions
Los Angeles Wedding Florist
THE ULTIMATE GIFT: a subscription from Santa Clarita Florist, delightful! by Rochelle Lee Wall. Subscriptions of exclusive flowers, seasonally, or every month. Fresh flowers arranged in a signature style by delightful!, Rochelle will create spectacular floral arrangements for your loved ones. Simply place one order and your recipient will receive fresh, exquisite, unique floral designs either seasonally, or for three, six or twelve consecutive months.
You may select a subscription at $89 (ORIGINAL), $129 (LUSH) or $169 (OPULENT) per design (plus tax) - and delivery is complimentary!
The first date you select for delivery will be the same for every subsequent month of delivery.
You may email us at, or call us (661) 755-6052 to reschedule or re-schedule your deliveries.
Subscriptions can also be converted to weekly flowers, or customized to your design requirements. Please email or call for custom deliveries.
SANTA CLARITA - 91355, 91354, 91350, 91381, 91321, 91387(partial), 91390 (partial), 91384, 91351.
SAN FERNANDO VALLEY (partial) – 91345, 91326, 91344.